Vol. 1 ~ September 1, 1935 ~ No.4

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We Are Growing:

24. Mrs. Edward C. Godfrey 115 No. Avon St. Rockford, Ill.
25. Charles H. Strang 36 W. 44th St. New York, N.Y.
26. Walter Dutcher Snedeker 309 Washington West Haven, Conn.
27. John Dutcher 808 W. Liberty St. Rome, N.Y.
28. William H. Dutcher 208 So. La Salle Chicago, Ill.
29. Mrs William Wilber Box 3 Wallingford, Vermont
30. Mrs Max Reed 239 Maple St. Burlington, Vt.
31. James W. Lesueur Box 237 Mesa, Arizona

With the coming of cool weather we are again under way to what we hope will be successful year for the Family Association. We have passed the most difficult stage—now to achieve some real results. It is again necessary to request that every one contribute his bit in the way of his own family history in order to have ours complete. Several have done exceptionally well and their lines will be well represented in our completed work.

William Dutcher, at the outbreak of the War, was one of the leading men of the Manor. Evidently of comfortable means, as early as 1775 he raised a company of men who volunteered to serve without pay, and which he equipped at his own expense. He served for a time as Captain with Daniel Martling and George Munson as Lieutenants. Martling early succeeded to the Captaincy and little is known of Capt. Dutcher's further activities. It is not conceivable that a man of his character remained inactive, and there is ground for the belief that he acted in a confidential capacity, close to high command.*

*The Old Dutch Burying Ground of Sleepy Hollow. Published by the Historical Research Society of the Tappen Zee-1926

William Dutcher located in Prairie du Chien, in the practice of law, in 1863, and was an active member of the Crawford County bar for about twelve years. During his residence here he filled a number of local offices including that of District Atty. He latter moved to Boscobel, Grant Co. Wis., where he practiced law with the firm of Brooks and Dutcher. Mr. Dutcher was a fine lawyer and a very genial, companionable man. He possessed such a keen sense of the ludicrous and his mental composition bubbled over with humor, that he never lost an opportunity to play a joke on his best friend not even allowing his own family to escape. His co-practitioners at the bar relate many very laughable anecdotes of contests of wit, in which his antagonist generally came out second best. The first meeting of the first school board in Prairie du Chien took place at the office of William Dutcher, Monday July 5, 1875, and he was a member of that board.

…. Jannetje Bressie, and Catrina Reinders:
1. Magdalena ? b. 1 Sept. 1741  
2. Jane b. 31 Dec. 1743 m. William Ashley
3. Catharine b. Dec 4. 1746  
4. Christina b. Jan. 1, 1749 m. Joshua Stevens
5. Ruluff b. Aug. 2, 1751 m. Polly (Mary) Nichols?
6. Christopher b. July 7, 1757 m. Rosanna Holcomb.

Children of Gabriel Dutcher, son of Roelof Dutcher and Jannetje Bressie, and Elizabeth Knickerbocker:

1. Laurenz b. 17 Jan. 1740 m. Gertrude Wheeler
2. Roelof b. July 1741  
3. Benjamin b. July 1742 m. Thankful Benson
4. Cornelius b. May 24, 1745 m. Elizabeth Wheaton
5. Mary   m. Edward Wheeler
6. Christopher b. Sept. 29, 1747 m. Mary Belden
7. Catharine b. Sept. 1749 m. William Wolcott?
8. Elias b. Oct. 11, 1755 m. Mary Rose
9. Joanna b. m. John Hoffcut
10. John b. Jan. 5, 1759 m. Sylvia Beardsly

Children of Catharine Dutcher, dau. of Roelof Dutcher and Jannetje Bressie, and Harmen Knickerbocker:

1. Jannetje b. Dec 1737  
2. Lawrence bapt. 27 Jan. 1740 m. Mary
3. Jannetje bapt. 19 Sept. 1740 m. John Crofield
4. Roelof bapt. Apl. 16, 1745 m. Catherine Dutcher
5. Mary bapt. Feb. 28, 1748 m. Joseph Gillet
6. John    
7. Harmanus    
8. Lydia    

Children of Ruluff White, son of Joshua White and Christina Dutcher, and Mary Knickerbocker:

1. Christine b. Dec. 1, 1749 m. Gabriel Dutcher
2. Jane b. Aug. 27, 1752  
3. Joshua b. Feb. 20, 1754  
4. Sarah b. Oct. 22, 1755  
5. Benjamin b. Oct. 24, 1757 d. Apl. 14, 1760
6. Laurence b. Aug. 11, 1759  
7. Ruluff b. Mar 20, 1762  
8. Catherine b. Mar. 23, 1766  

Children of Margaret White, dau. of Joshua White and Christina Dutcher, and Andrew Sirdem.

1. Christine bapt. Feb. 20, 1753  

Children of Agnes Dutcher, dau. of Christopher Dutcher and Gertrude White, and William Whitney:

1. Hestry b. Aug. 4, 1748 m. Joshua Sardam
2. Mary b. Aug. 24, 1750 d. young
3. Christopher b. Sept. 28, 1751 m. Mary Ticknor
4. Cornelius b. Dec. 31, 1753 m. Hetty Green
5. Ruluff    

Children of Barent de Duystcher and Mary Conckling:

1. Helena bap. 1701  
2. Johannes bap. 10 Mar. 1704 m. Wilhelmina Buys
3. Margrietje bap. 13 Aug. 1706 m. Cornelius Lamersen
4. David bap. 2 Nov. 1708 m. Sara Storm
5. Helena bap. 25 Mar. 1712 m. Samuel Storm or Horton
6. Barent b. 15 Aug. bap. 12 Oct. 1714 m. Jannetie Bancker

children of Barent de Duyscher and Dirkje Smit m. 29 Dec. 1717

1. Abraham bap. 29 Oct. 1717 m. Annetje Storm
2. Janneke bap. 21 Apl. 1719 m. Jaryer Trabis (Travis)
3. Issac bap. 11 Apl. 1721  
4. Jacob bap. 6 Nov. 1722 m. Elizabeth ______
5. Maritie   m. Thomas Williams

Children of Christine Dutcher, day of Roelof Dutcher and Jannetje Bressie, and Joshua White:

1. Jannetje bap. 1 July 1722  
2. Williem bap. 22 May 1725  
3. Rudolph   m. Maritjen Knickerbocker
4. Margaret b. 1730 m. Andries Serdam

Children of Christoffel Dutcher, son of Roelof Dutcher and Jannetje Bressie, and Gertrude White or Wheeler:

1. Jannetje b. 7 Feb. 1729  
2. Roelof b. 1 Oct. 1734 d. young
3. Angenietje (Agnes)   m. William Whitney
4. Roelof b. circa 1738 m. Jane Ashley

Children of John Dutcher, son of Roelof Dutcher and Jannetje Bressie, and Christian Chisholm:

1. Roelof b. 13 Sept. 1741 m. _____ Sardam
2. Jane b. 19 Feb. 1743 m. Tunis Sardam?
3. John Jr. b. 2 June 1745 m. Lois Washburn
4. Gabriel b. June 16, 1747 m. Christine White
5. Hannah b. Mar. 25, 1749 m. Ezekiel Fuller
6. Cornelius b. Mar. 20, 1753 d. Mar. 22, 1754
7. Christina b. Mar. 1, 1755 m. Joseph Beebe

Children of Margaret Dutcher, dau. of Roelof Dutcher and Jannetje Bressie, and Stephen Krieger:

1. Jannetje bap. 20 Sept. 1734  
2. Jan bap. 27 May 1739  
3. Margrietjen Bap. 27 May 1741  

Children of Cornelius Dutcher, son of Roelof Dutcher and Jannetje Bressie, and Abagain Root:

1. Margaret b. 26 Sept. 1734 m. Alex. Bauldwin
2. Ruluff b. 6 Sept. 1737  
3. Abigail bap. 1739  
4. Jane bap. 30 Apl. 1741  
5. Cornelius bap. 1745 d. 1745
6. John bap. 1755 Columbia Co., NY In Revolution War
7. Solomon bap. 1759 m. Tabitha Roreback
8. Cornelius b. July 25, 1762 m. Mary Buck or Jane Nase
9. William b. 1763  
10. Rowland b. circa 1765 m. Mary Derby

Dutcher Family Association- 4827 34 Ave. South Minneapolis

Vol. 2 ~ December 1935 ~ No. 1