Sites that are the
most useful in getting started
and most likely to give quick results.
Who are you looking for? | |
Ancestry | Lots of databases of records, including all US census years. |
FamilySearch | Records from original sources and submitted material. |
GenForum | Queries by surname. Each surname has a search. |
Mailing Lists | Queries. Enter a surname or get a List of surnames. |
Passenger Lists | Use this site for easy searching of Ellis Island or Castle Garden. |
Death Indexes | Online searchable death indexes & records. |
Where were they? | |
USGenWeb | County Web sites. |
Mailing Lists | Enter 2-digit state, followed by the first 6 digits of county. |
SamPubCo | Indexes of wills by county. See book number for date range. |
USGS Maps | Find out where a US location or cemetery is and see a map. |
What else is there? | |
Cyndi's List | Everything on the Web related to genealogy. |
Your Local Library | Database subscriptions: AncestryPlus, HeritageQuest, NewsBank |
Military Indexes | Online military indexes & records. |
Sharon's | Home page of my genealogy site. |