Nach Amerika
While working on emigration from Wuerttemberg to the US, Harm Rieper found in the book "Aufbruch nach Amerika" by Guenter Moltman the following section:
(page 294) "Am 6. Maerz 1818 kamen auf dem hollaendischen Schiffen Emanuel, Juffer Johanna und Johanna Maria 597 deutsche Redemptionisten in New Orleans an. Es waren das die Ueberlebenden von 1,100 Menschen, die man in Helder auf diese drei Schiffe geladen hatte. Die anderen 503 waren todt; auf der Reise an Krankheiten gestorben, verhungert oder in der Verzweiflung oder im Fieber ueber Bord gesprungen."
(Page 295) "Aus Voerstetten: Merterin, Mutter, Tochter und Sohn, desgl. Jakob Merters vier Kinder, welche schon in Texel starben. Georg Schillingers Kind und Martin Benningers Kind desgl."
Harm kindly translated:
At the 6th of March 1818 the ships Emanuel, Juffer Johanna and Johanna with 597 redeptionairs (people who had to work in the US to pay their passage) arrived at new Orleans. They were the survivers of 1,100 people who borderd the ship in Helder (DenHelder in the Netherlands). The other 503 were dead, died on the journey on illness, starved, or jumped over board in despair or in fever.
From Voerstetten: Merterin, Mother, daughter and son, and so Jacob Merters four children, who already died at Texel (an island on the dutch North Sea). Georg Schillinger's child and Martin Benninger's child also.