- The information in this list is drawn from
a number of sources including:
- News from
Marion, Sharon Moore, 1995
- Marion County Family Genealogies,
Marion Area Genealogy Society, 1980
- International Genealogical Index
- Ancestral File
- California Wagon Trains, Louis J.
Rasmusen, 1994
- California Gold Camps
- 1850 Federal census records for California
& Ohio
- Benjamin Baker
- Married Elizabeth Ulsh, Feb 1849, Marion.
- Letter from Manahan, Sep 20, 1850,
Sacrament: "Isaac Ulsh and Benjamin Baker stopped in
Hangtown [Placerville] to go to mining."
- Letter from Miller, Nov 22, 1850, Nevada
City: "We left Isaac Ulsh and Benjamin Baker at
Weberville [near Placerville]
- Lived in Prospect township, Dec 1860.
- Superintendent of Marion Infirmary, Dec
- Horace W. Baker
- Married Elizabeth Thomas, 1842, Marion.
- Children: Henry Ellis, born Jul 1843, died
Mar 1847, Marion; Ellmore C., born Feb 1846, died Feb
1847, Marion.
- Marion Buckeye Eagle Jan 1851:
"There is a report in circulation, that our worthy
friend and fellow townsman, Horace W. Baker, who went to
California last spring, is dead. We hope it is not so,
but fear it is too true. Mr. Baker was an excellent man,
and we regret his loss to this community."
- George Beckley
- Born 1808, PA. Son of John Beckley who was
in Scott Township by 1826.
- Married Elizabeth Miller, 1833, Marion.
- Lived in Crawford County, 1849.
- Left Independence Apr 19, 1949.
- Died 1878, possibly in Indiana.
- George Washington Bowers
- Born about 1818.
- Married Maria Dutton, 1843, Delaware Co.
- Children (all born Marion): Harriet, born
1844, died 1927; George W., born 1846, died 1915, Shelby
Co., MO; Winfield S., born Feb 1849, died 1907.
- See Brady. Undated letter to wife from
California "I
am sick with a fever and chills and have a pain in my
chest, probably from sleeping on the ground during the
rain and snow. If you will stick it out a little longer,
I will be coming home with much money. I have decided to
sell my claim up in the mountain and buy an auction
store. Don't tell anyone I have written you unless it is
my sister Annie. I have $2000 and I expect to be home by
next spring."
- Died about 1851, California.
- Ancestor of Phyllis.
- J. Brady
- Marion Buckeye Eagle, Apr 4, 1849:
"A company of our citizens left this place
yesterday, and took up the line of march for the gold
regions of California
. Messrs Bowers and Brady
preceded the rest of the company some days, for the
purpose of purchasing team and provisions."
- ____ Bunn
- Probably one of the Marion Bunn brothers,
Granville, Peter, or John.
- Left for California Apr 10, 1849.
- John Chambers
- Born 1823.
- Possibly married Rachael Lewis, 1848,
Delaware Co., who died 1854, Marion.
- Left for California Apr 10, 1849.
- Possibly married Sarah M. Neal, 1857,
- Enoch H. Clark
- Possibly married Sarah Kent, 1848, Marion.
- Wrote letter from Placerville, August 13,
1850: "I reached the land of gold the
23rd of July and should have written you sooner but
wanted to wait until I could tell you I was well. My
health is now good as ever it was. I was very much
fatigued when I arrived, by traveling and going with
scant rations, for I did not have as much good victuals
as I would have relished for the last four or five
hundred miles and was obliged to walk nearly the whole of
that distance. This is the first hardship I ever
. I do not like California at all. Extract the
gold from the soil and it would have no attraction for
me. A horse would soon starve to death if permitted to
run at large
. My advice to my friends if they wish
it about coming to California, is to be content with what
they have and stay home. Still I am not discouraged and
am glad I came. I think any one with health and
perseverance may do well."
- See also Coffy.
- Possibly married Adelia J. Hodges, 1855,
Marion and Sally Ann Shoots, 1862, Marion.
- Possible children (all born Franklin Co.):
Finley R, born 1857; Landy Cory, born 1864; Eva Ann, born
- William Coffy
- Married Susan Parker, 1846, Marion.
- Letter from Miller, Sep 22, 1850, Nevada
City: "Mister Enoch Clark and William Coffy are here
and are well and in good spirits."
- Possible owner of Coffeys Saloon,
Marion, 1857.
- ____ Cooper
- Left for California Apr 3, 1849.
- ____ Dillingham
- There were a number of men named
Dillingham around Marion in this time period, including
Hiram, Otis, Robert, and Sylvanus.
- Letter from Manahan, Sacramento, Jul 20,
1850: "Dilingham and Isaiah Pearce, Henry Pearce and
Red, we left on the other side of the desert. I am very
uneasy about them, they would not, or Dilingham would not
cross on the night, we crossed in the night and liked to
have perished and it was a great deal worse in the day
time. We heard that Henry Pearce had got across and was
packing water back to some one of the men that had gave
out. We did not learn which one it was."
- Letter from Clark, Placerville, Aug 13,
1850: "
we were overtaken by Miller and the
rest of the Marion boys, and stayed with them until six
hundred miles of this place where we commenced packing.
We left them and Dillingham with good teams and wagons,
the latter thought we were very foolish for leaving our
wagons. I thought then of home. But it went much better
than I expected. We would have saved time by packing
sooner, but we got in [Jul 23] eight or ten days before
the rest of the boys. They all left their wagons and
packed at last. Dillingham left all his horses on the
road within two hundred miles of here."
- Letter from Miller, Nevada City, Sep 22,
1850: "Our horses ran down so low that we were
obliged to leave our wagon about half way down the
Humbolt. Pearces mess left their wagon about the
same time. Pearce came on then with his father."
- John B. Dumble
- Left for California Apr 3, 1849.
- Marion Buckeye Eagle Jul 3, 1851:
"We take pleasure in announcing the return of our
old friend and fellow Townsman, John Dumble, who left
here near three years ago with a number of others in
search of the Elephant upon the coast of the Pacific. We
have not ascertained whether he brought with him a Pocket
full of rocks, as the saying is, or not; but, we have no
doubt he feels sufficiently gratified, that he has been
permitted life and health to return at all, even though
he may not have been permitted to accumulate any of that,
the love of which, is declared in the BOOK of books, to
be the root of all evil."
- Loaned $150 to Sam Saiter Nov 1851.
- Postmaster of Marion 1857-; of Mt. Gilead
- Editor of Marion Democratic Mirror
1846-, 1857-.
- Brother of Joseph Dumble, editor of Marion
Eagle/Marion County Republican 1856-1857.
- Married Caroline Elliott or Gates, 1846,
Knox Co.; possibly married Hannah VanTrese, 1855, Marion.
- Child: Edwin W., born 1853, died Aug 1855,
- Adam Epley
- Arrived in gold country Jul 19, 1850 with
- William Fisher
- Married Anne Eliza Keese (sister of Samuel
below), 1842, Marion.
- Left for California Apr 10, 1849.
- Marion County Republican Jul 14,
1859: "Died at his residence in Richland township,
in this county on the 26th ult., Wm. Fisher, aged 52
years. The disease which caused his death was that known
as Milk Sickness. His brother is Dr. Fisher.
- "Died on the 30th ult., Silas
Bennett, adopted child of William and Ann Eliza Fisher in
the 11th year of his age.
- "Died on the 8th inst., Ann Eliza,
relict of William Fisher, aged 35 years."
- Survived by another adopted son.
- Philander C. Gorton
- Born 1817, Franklin Co., son of Hezekiah
Gorton and Alfe Capron.
- Married Catherine Haywood, 1840, Marion.
- Marion Buckeye Eagle, Apr 10, 1851:
"Died in California, on the 5th day of last Jan.,
Philander Gorton, formerly of this place son of
Col. Gorton. He leaves a wife and 6 small children to
mourn the loss of an affectionate father and kind
husband. Mr. Gorton spent his early years in and near
Marion and will be remembered by those who knew him as a
kind hearted boy and an excellent man. A few years after
he was married he removed from this place to Noble
county, Ind., where he resided until he started for
California, one year ago last Oct., and where his family
still resides."
- Samuel Titus Keese
- Born 1823, Morrow or Marion Ohio, son of
John Keese and Sarah Benedict.
- Married Phoebe Meritt.
- Went West Apr 10, 1849.
- Died 22 Nov 1851.
- Nicholas Kepner
- Born 1825, Marion; son of Jacob Kepner and
Catherine Sidener.
- Arrived in gold country Jul 19, 1850 with
- Married Rachael Mattix, 1852, Marion.
- Nine children born Fayette Co., IL
1853-1866 and Swift Co., MN 1869-1877.
- Arthur Lapham
- Born 1802.
- Married Matilda Faurot, 1826, Champagne.
- Five children born 1830-42.
- Lived in Champagne Co.
- Marion Buckeye Eagle, Apr 4,
1849: "A company of six or seven, with one wagon,
headed by Arthur Lapham, Esq., left Big Island township
on the 26th ult., for California."
- Died 1850.
- George W. Larabee
- Possible son of James H. Larabee of Scott
- Left Independence Apr 19, 1949.
- Married Ann Campbell, 1858, Marion.
- Henry Larabee
- Possible son of James H. Larabee of Scott
- Left Independence Apr 19, 1949.
- Augustus W. Madison
- Married Mary A. VanKirk, 1853, Marion.
- Child: Henry, b. 1869, Marion
- Aron Manahan
- Wrote letter from Sacramento, Jul 20,
1850: "Nicholas Kepner, Adam Epley, John W. Miller,
Henry R. Whitsel, and myself, arrived here this morning,
all in reasonably good health, after a long and tedious
. As for myself I intend to scratch hard for
a raise, but as soon as I make a decent raise I am bound
for home. We never will be recompensated for what we have
endured if we get piles upon piles of money it will never
pay the damage done to our constitutions
. We send
our respects to all our friends, and Henry R. Whitsel and
myself particularly send our love to our wives and little
- Charles Maynard
- Went West Apr 10, 1849.
- John McCan
- Marion Buckeye Eagle, Jan 30, 1851:
"Through the politeness of a lady in this place, we
have been permitted to read a letter from her husband in
California, which, by the way, dont give much
encouragement to new adventurers for the region of Gold.
He states that Mr. John McCan, who formerly resided in
this place and left a year ago for California had his
back broke by a bank caving in upon him. There was hopes
of his recovery, but not much."
- John W. Miller
- Arrived in gold country Jul 19, 1850 with
- Letter from Nevada City, Sep 22, 1850:
"Dear father, I reached California after a most
tiresome journey of ninety days. Space will not permit me
to give a full and detailed account of the entire
journey. We left St. Joseph, Mo. April 20th.
We came
on to the Yuba, where we commenced mining. Not being
satisfied with the prospects at the Yuba, we came to
Little Deer Creek [Nevada City], where we have remained
ever since.
I feel tolerable well satisfied so
- Letter from Dry Creek, El Dorado County,
Feb 1, 1851: "Dear Brother, I take this method to
inform you that your of the 22nd of November came to
hand, and I assure you that it afforded no small degree
of pleasure to receive a letter from house and
. I have been mining since my arrival in
California but with poor success. I design going to
teaming in the course of a few weeks, considering that
better than mining. According to the state of things I do
not expect to make much of a future, but I think I shall
be able to return with something of a pile at least. It
is my intention to return in the course of a year
The Marion boys are all living within a few miles of each
other and meet once a week."
- Possibly married Olive Cunningham, Dec
- Joseph Munn
- Married Elizabeth Larabee, 1845, Marion.
- Left Independence Apr 19, 1949.
- A.H. Patterson
- Ad in Marion Buckeye Eagle, Feb 18, 1849:
"Ho! For California! Dissolution of Partnership.
Selling out at Cost. The partnership heretofore existing
under the name of Patterson & Sharpless, is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. As one of the men designs
leaving for California by the middle of March next, we
are desirous that our customers will call and settle up.
One or the other of the undersigned will be found at all
times, up to the 13th of March next, at the old shop.
A.H. Patterson, Paul Sharpless."
- Henry F. Pearce
- Traveled with Dillingham.
- Isaiah Pearce
- Traveled with Dillingham.
- Thomas Pickett
- Left Independence Apr 19, 1949.
- Phillip O. Redd
- Born 1818, Washington Co., PA. Son of
Daniel Redd.
- Married Elizabeth Rupp, 1843, Marion.
- Traveled with Dillingham.
- Accidentally shot in arm on way to
California. Turned back after travelling 2/3 distance.
- Children (all probably born Marion): James
K., born 1844; Minerva, born 1847; Margaret, born 1849;
Mary, born 1849; Levi, born 1854; Tabitha, born 1856;
Addison, born 1859; Annetta, born 1859; Ella B., born
- Died 1884, Marion.
- ____ Rogers
- Went West Apr 10, 1849.
- George Rowe
- Marion Buckeye Eagle, Apr 11, 1849:
"The California company raised in this place by our
enterprising fellow citizen Gen. George Rowe, left town
yesterday morning for their destinations at the gold
- Mother Elizabeth died 1851 when George was
in California.
- ____ Rowe
- Went West Apr 10, 1849.
- Paul Sharpless
- Married Amanda Coffy, Oct 1848.
- See Patterson.
- John Smith
- Left for California Apr 3, 1849.
- John Summerlot
- Possibly married Sarah Kuch 1843, Marion
and/or Catherine Onselman 1844, Marion.
- Went West Apr 10, 1849.
- Wrote letter from Sacramento, Apr 1850:
"My health is very good indeed, my weight is now 204
lbs., nearly 24 lbs. more than I ever weighed before. I
am now living on the American fork seven miles from
Sacramento City. It is a most delightful place at this
time. The plains are as beautiful as a garden of flowers,
and the air is as pure as the purest that blows on the
earth. We have plenty of game of all sorts
. I am
working at my trade here and have been ever since I come
to this country. I have not mined any yet, but intend to
go to the mountains in about two weeks to try my luck. I
think that I can make what money I want this season, if I
keep my health, and if I do I shall be back this
- Benjamin R. Topping
- Went West Apr 10, 1849.
- Isaac Ulsh
- Born Apr 1830. Son of Jacob Ulsh.
- See Benjamin Baker.
- Married Catherine Sorrick, 1854, Marion.
- Died 1856, Marion.
- George Adam Uncapher
- Born 1815, PA.
- Marion Buckeye Eagle, Aug 1852:
"To those having friends in California. [Bankers]
have not sufficient confidence in Nevada Express to
accept a small
draft. The hard working miners should
not risk their earnings in the Express. The draft was
sent to our old friend John Uncapher, by his son George,
now in California."
- Directory of Marion Infirmary, 1858
- H. VanHouton
- Left for California Apr 3, 1849.
- Henry R. Whitsel
- Married Hannah Dunkelberger, 1841, Marion.
- Arrived in gold country Jul 19, 1850 with
- David Zuck
- Born 1831, Marion. Son of Abraham Zuck and
Bathsheba Search.
- Went West Apr 10, 1849.
- Letter from Summerlot, Sacramento, Apr 30,
1850: "If you have any notion of coming to
California, dont come the overland route by any
means. David Zuck, myself, and four more of the boys left
the team 400 miles from the valley, with five and a half
pounds of hard bread apiece to travel through on. We
reached Lossons settlement in nine days, having
traveled nearly 45 miles per day."
- Married Elizabeth Jump, 1853, Marion.
- Children: Oliver, Ella, Lilly.