R.S. Youngs
Date: Wed, 02 Aug 1995 01:56:16 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Square Dutcher Hunt Chenango Co. NY & mother:Polly Dutcher Hunt
Date: 31-JUL-1995 18:16:23.90
From: IN%"prg@mgweed.att.com"
Subj: RE: Square Dutcher Hunt b. Chenango Cty, NY and died
Kainesville, Kane County Illinois
Seeking information regarding this family which settled in Illinois in 1800's. Square Dutcher Hunt's family can be traced back to Deacon Jonathan Hunt of Thrampston, MA. Square Dutcher Hunt's mother was Polly Dutcher b. 1804 Polly's husband Daniel Hunt b.1805 and one of his brothers Lebbeus/Lebbens Hunt were residing at Smyrna, NY around the early part of the 19th, Century. Both Joseph and Lebbens/Lebbeus were children of Joseph and Mary Fuller Hunt of Lebanon CT. Do you have any information relating your Dutcher research to this family line?