Rebecca King

4 Jan 1998

Subject: Van Ness Dutcher & Martin VanBuren Dutcher

Hello folks,

Just finally getting organized here on the various family lines - Here are my two DUTCHER connections, Has anyone got any idea where either are descended from?


1 Van Ness Dutcher ?-?
+Amelia Rozelle ?-?

2 Benson Dutcher 1900 - Abt. 1983
+Chloe Ann Osborn 1899 - 1995


1 Martin VanBuren Dutcher ?-?
+Marie Whaley ?-?

2 Mary Etta Dutcher 1878 - 1976
+Albert V. Ellis ?-?

3 Flossie Belle Ellis 1906-1986
+George Raymond Dykeman 1894 - 1979

3 William Ellis

4 Joan Ellis
+Don Travers

3 Roy (Leroy ?) Ellis

3 Velma Mary (Mattice) Ellis 1903 - 1992
+Henry Dykeman 1900 - 1984

2 Seymour Dutcher 1887 - 1976
+Alice Dykeman 1892 - 1988


Any information on either is greatly appreciated. Martin VanBuren Dutcher is part of my direct line, Van Ness is a collateral line. As For location...Duchess County, NY is where most of the above lived. Thanks for the help,
